Once upon a time there was a little boy named Timmy. He was 8. Life was hard. But today was different...
Timmy woke up on what would usually feel like a normal Saturday. But today was different. He was not tired as he usually was, the Dog was not barking as always, and there was an unusual smell coming from the kitchen. Upon entering, there was Momma making breakfast, but no bacon. What gives. Eggs and toast would be what’s on the plate today. Ok.
After only a few bites, Timmys momma gotta call from Luciana’s Momma asking if Timmy can come outside and play. Luciana was a girl in Timmy’s Kindergarten class that he’s been crushing on since Pre-K. He was excited but asked his Momma can he hook it up later as he wanted to ride his rad new BMX for a little bit. She said Ok and relayed the message back to Luciana’s Momma who agreed.
Little Timmy went in the garage and pulled out his new BMX. He had practiced before on an older bike that he got from his older brother, but finally got this new bike from Santa Claus and he was pumped. On the road, he was switching out tricks and combos. He even somehow landed a barspin off a small curb bank. Today is certainly a good day.
He approached the stop sign without another biker in site. He knew he was not allowed to go past it. It was then he saw his buddy Hector from far away. Timmy yelled “Which house y’all playing basketball”
Hector yelled “Mark’s house. See you there”
Timmy rushed home kicking out his back wheel over a small bank and landing perfectly. A huge smile formed across his face.
“Mom can i goto Mark’s to play basketball”. Mark lived down the street. Usually his Mom says no.
“Yes. Go ahead. Have fun” But today was a good day.
On the court usually Timmy was in trouble. But today was different. He was making hoops like MJ and even got a triple double. This is at least what Mark’s friend Billy said to Timmy but Timmy did not understand that. He just smiled and said “Today is a good day”
Timmy rode his bike back and hit the showers aka the sprinklers on his next door neighbors house. Ahh it felt amazing. Usually he gets some static from his neighbor screaming “Get off my lawn” but today that fool just walked right past the window and didn’t seem to flex or care or even look in his direction. It was a good day.
Little Timmy then went in his house who usually gets yelled at by his Momma for being soaking wet. But not today. He went to grab a towel when he noticed a notification showing up on his iPad from across the room.
“Timmy, wanna play MineCraft at my house with Gerard, Tommy and Jayden at 2?” It was 1:57.
“Mom, can I please goto Carlos’s house to play MineCraft”. He waited for the No. He was expecting a fight. His heart started to race.
“Yes. Go ahead. Have fun”
OMG. Today is a good day.
When he got to Carlos’s house, the whole crew was there watching YouTube videos on Minecraft. Usually this takes time for the host to get setup. Someone usually forgets their iPad charger or someone’s Mom calls to come get one of the kids. But Today everything seemed to work out. Timmy was even able to find the Ether potion, the lucky emerald, and the Diamond Chest Plates. He made a healing potion that can be used on any player at any time. His friends were like “Whaaaaaaaaat”. Today was a good day
Just as he was getting ready to leave, Carlos’s older brother Dan was playing something called Dominoes with his friends. All the younger 8yr olds circled around to watch. There was strange yelling Bones and other weird words. Then Dan asked if one of us wanted to play. Timmy said sure but realized he had to pay a dollar to play. Hmmm.. Timmy reached into his sock and took out 4 soggy quarters and threw them in the middle. Within 7 minutes, Timmy was yelling Dominoes - even though he didnt know what it meant. He walked out of there with 7 rolled up dollars and some wet quarters that he stuck in his sock and left the house to go back home smiling. Dam it was a good day, he thought.
It was around 4. He forgot that he was supposed to hang out with Luciana. He was excited. She liked to play House and he knew that he would be “Husband”. When he arrived home, he asked Momma if Luciana can come outside and play. She called Luciana’s momma who agreed. Timmy went outside to wait for Luciana.
Down the street, came this VSCO looking girl with a scrunchee in her hair, holding a HydroFlask wearing an oversized t-shirt that hung down to her knees. She was beautiful.
“Hi Luciana” Timmy said.
“OMG. It is soooo hot outside. Do you wanna go inside to play?”
Timmy yelled inside to ask his Mom who normally would say No. But today is a good day and she said “Sure. No problem.”
They went to Timmy’s room and played House. Timmy was the Husband. Luciana was the Wife. Timmy’s little sister was their daughter. They fed his sister and then put her to bed. Then they did what grown ups do and had a drink. Usually Momma gives them water but today she gave them Lemon-Aid. It was delicious. They made believe they were tired and it was bedtime. They went in Timmy’s bed and did something that grownups do called ‘Spooning’ and laughed because they did not know how to do it. They laughed and drank their Lemon-Aids and even watched a YouTube video of a kid playing NBA Live 2k. This kid was amazing and his team, the Lakers, just beat the SuperSonics.
It was close to dinner time so Timmy knew that Luciana had to go home. He went to give her a hug and they sort of bumped heads. A small kiss landed on his cheek. Timmy nodded like “That’s what’s up” and smiled. She smiled back and said “See you tomorrow”. Little did Timmy know his older brother had witnessed this.
After dinner, Timmy went outside in his yard to play. He was thinking about how good of a day today was. His Momma didnt yell at him. His Dad played catch and didnt yell when Timmy threw the ball when Dad was not looking and hit him in the head. Even the grouchy neighbors who hates kids said Hi. Its then that Timmy heard a strange noise. He looked up and saw a drone that his brother was playing with. There was a sheet of paper attached to it that read “Timmy‘s a pimp”. Timmy stared in awe. “What’s a pimp?”, he thought as his brother appeared from the side of the house smiling at him. “Straight up boujee”, he said. Timmy assumed this was good. Dam what a day.
Just as Timmy was getting ready to go to bed, his Mother told him his favorite bed time story which she has not done since he was 6. When she left the room and put the lights out, Timmy stared at his coolly lit ceiling and thought “Dam. Today was a good day” and passed out.
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