I have moved closer to being Amish as today I made my first pasta after buying a pasta maker on Amazon earlier this week. Yesterday Rose made bread. Today I made pasta. Tomorrow we will have diabetes.
I decided to buy the Atlas Marcato pasta maker that does not have a motor but has a manual crank that can be used to build forearm muscles and make you curse a little more and louder when the crank falls off or the clamp does not attach to your table. After lots of swearing and sweating, I finally figured the dam thing out and the end result was satisfying. Magnificque! C’est si Bon!
During dinner, we begged the younger Child to eat a meatball because she is 6 and she never had one before. Clearly she has an eating problem and eating is not one of them. This turned into a 30 minute crying festival. You would think we were asking the Child to eat raw spinach or carrots. Who the hell does not want to try a meatball. When she finally did it was like she was 8 months old again spitting out corn and broccoli Gerber “food”.
We should started off with this before “graduating” to meatballs:
I had some leftover homemade pasta. I realize I made the fettuccini too long and thought I can use it to whip people if they get too close to me. Then I thought I can pasta whip the kids when they act up in class but then I remembered that its not the 50s and I am not a Nun — or at least not yet (thats another Coronavirus bucket list)
Its Day 20 of quarantine but its also Day 10 of my Wife giving me the stink eye when I approach her with what I’d like to call a beard on my face. I would love to look through her google results. They would say things like:
- How to shave ones face when they are sleeping?
- Where does Santiago from the Kids Raz Spanish App live?
- How does one kiss someone with spiders coming out of their upper and lower lips?
- Is it possible to get bedbugs in a beard?
- How much money will I need to save to runaway to Fiji?
- Is Adam Levine still single?
- How to make pasta the “right” way?
- Is it normal to have odor come from someone’s beard?
- Signs the human man is going insane?
- Does anyone read the Bart Chronicles?
- How to get a child to eat a meatball?
- How to teach a Child fractions?
- How many glasses of wine a day is considered alcoholism?
- What to do if my Husband grows a man bun?
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