
New Stuff

What a superbowl party is really like

This is what real life Superbowl party hosting is like. Tay Tay banter included..  First you prep for the big event by spending hundreds of dollars on food that only half will be eaten. You know this going in yet still tell yourself that the more food the better. This is for 20 people Just prior to the Kickoff , words of Taylor Swift already begin. Kids continue to ask if Taylor will be performing.  Some of the adults will be yelling because they lost the “will she show up for the Superbowl or not” bet. Kickoff starts and you realize that someone named blah blah has already won the Bonus 0-0 payout in your Superbowl box pool that you dropped a hundred on. You say hmmmm and already start having conspiracy theories as its someone who is related to the person running the pool.  End of the 1 st draws near . Its only been an hour since the company has arrived and already the food that was beautifully prepared...

Quarantine Day 46: Puzzle World

Quarantine Day 31: Today we had our first test...

Quarantine Day 30: Beard Shampoo, Toilet Paper and the Sun..Oh My

Quarantine Day 29: The Day after Tomorrow is the Same as Today

Quarantine Day 27: ‘Twas the night before Easter

Quarantine Day 26: Ya know, when i was your age..

Quarantine Day 25: Today we had a special guest for Music class

Quarantine Day 24: My Dog Theory

Quarantine Day 23: My epic bike ride fail

Quarantine Day 22: Fake News

Quarantine Day 21: Danny The Pastaio