New Stuff

What a superbowl party is really like

This is what real life Superbowl party hosting is like. Tay Tay banter included..  First you prep for the big event by spending hundreds of dollars on food that only half will be eaten. You know this going in yet still tell yourself that the more food the better. This is for 20 people Just prior to the Kickoff , words of Taylor Swift already begin. Kids continue to ask if Taylor will be performing.  Some of the adults will be yelling because they lost the “will she show up for the Superbowl or not” bet. Kickoff starts and you realize that someone named blah blah has already won the Bonus 0-0 payout in your Superbowl box pool that you dropped a hundred on. You say hmmmm and already start having conspiracy theories as its someone who is related to the person running the pool.  End of the 1 st draws near . Its only been an hour since the company has arrived and already the food that was beautifully prepared...

Charlie Charlie Come Alive

The other day while my wife and I were being incredible amazing parents, my 7yr old daughter came into the room to ask us a question.

She said “Mommy, Daddy. Do you know what Charlie Charlie Come Alive is”? Her face had slightly lost color and she seemed nervous.

My wife and I looked at each other with a puzzled and alarmed where-is-this-going type look. We both said in harmony “What are you talking about”

It was then she proceeded to tell us something that she learned in school about a ghost named Charlie who will come to your house to haunt your dreams if you say “Charlie Charlie Come Alive” 10 times.

I sorta chuckled at first. We all had something like this growing up. I believe mine was Bloody Mary and you had to say it 3 times in front of a mirror. I was petrified and of course never ever did it. 

 My wife’s was somewhat different. She had to recite “i want a prince” 5 times while standing on 1 leg with your tongue out. In doing so, a handsome prince would take you away.. obviously that came true ;-)

My wife told our daughter  that this is definitely not real and something that is just in good fun. We all had something similar to say as we told her our stories as kids and that we too were scared but its just that — a scary story and nothing more.

Then it happened. My 7 yr old daughter put her head down in a sad way, as if she was about to cry and told us that she wanted to see if she can bring back our late Aunt. Now, to not bring this down a sappy path, we recently had someone pass away in our family who was near and dear to us. And here is my daughter basically showing us that she understands death and that feeling of losing someone and knowing they will never come back.  Here she is trying to basically bring her back.  Its quite a moment. My wife and I held back tears.

But then my brain goes a different way and every single horror movie begins to take shape in front of my eyes.. 

Suddenly I see my daughter sitting on the floor, hands out, legs crossed saying those dreadful words Charlie Charlie Come Alive. Her eyes begin to go back into her head as she reaches the last Alive on the 10th time. Silence. Nothing happens. Her eyes open. She looks at us. We look at her. I smile. Then, out of nowhere it starts to storm outside. Loud thunder and lighting is heard. The window shades fly up. Ghostly skeleton images appear stuck to the outside window staring in. My wife screams. We look back. The kids are gone. We scream for them. Nothing. The lights go out as the lightning illuminates the room in bursts. Ava i scream. Ellie!! Suddenly, we hear Ava. We scream for her again. She calls for us louder. We go towards the sounds. Its coming from the TV. It can’t be. She is in the TV? I scream.

 Ellie starts to yell for us. We look towards the sound. There we see her. Outside in a tree that has eyes and looks like its ready to eat her as the lightning allows quick glimpses of the trees arms moving and bringing her closer to its mouth. 

I run to the window. Something throws me back. I call to Rose. She is gone. HELPPP i scream. Suddenly everything is calm. I am back in my room. Lights on. All alone. The rain stopped. The thunder and lightning no more. I hear my name being called. Its Ava. I open my door and look down the hall towards her room. There i see my daughter screaming CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE as her head spins around at each name drop. 

The name is written all over the walls in blood. I look behind me. The lights are out again. Rose is in the corner with her back to me. She is shaking back and forth towards the wall as if something is pulling her. I yell for her and just as i goto grab her she turns to me. Its not Rose but Charlie...

“NOOOOO NOOOOO NOOOOOO. NO NEED TO DO THAT. PLEASE DONT DO THAT. WE DONT HAVE TO SAY ANYONES NAME 10 TIMES IN THIS HOUSE” I am back in the kitchen. Ava is on the floor looking at me. My wife the same. Both looking as if I am nuts. Ellie is still watching TV paying no attention to the world. 

“I just think that we should just let Charlie and our loved ones be happy where they are” and with that i leave the room and pray that Charlie does not haunt my dreams. I listen for sounds every night. God help me.  Hopefully my next blog is not about a strange ghost encounter trying to eat me while i sleep.  
