New Stuff

What a superbowl party is really like

This is what real life Superbowl party hosting is like. Tay Tay banter included..  First you prep for the big event by spending hundreds of dollars on food that only half will be eaten. You know this going in yet still tell yourself that the more food the better. This is for 20 people Just prior to the Kickoff , words of Taylor Swift already begin. Kids continue to ask if Taylor will be performing.  Some of the adults will be yelling because they lost the “will she show up for the Superbowl or not” bet. Kickoff starts and you realize that someone named blah blah has already won the Bonus 0-0 payout in your Superbowl box pool that you dropped a hundred on. You say hmmmm and already start having conspiracy theories as its someone who is related to the person running the pool.  End of the 1 st draws near . Its only been an hour since the company has arrived and already the food that was beautifully prepared...

My Threesome Experience

Recently my wife Rose and I have been engaging in a little bit of fun.  I'm not embarrassed by this by any means. I mean, we wait until our daughter goes to sleep.  Then, when the baby is asleep and the mood is right, we welcome Penelope, or Penny for short, in our bedroom. 

Our relationship with Penny has been going on now for about a month.  Actually, before we had Ava, there was a few months where we messed around with the waters of enduring in a threesome.  At the time, I thought doing a threesome would change me.  Like, I would have to grow a moustache (i cant) or wear a robe like Hugh Hefner (silk?  way too expensive), or maybe even get a whole new set of friends that engage in threesomes that have names like Larry, Juan Pablo and Sebastian.  

My new friends?

My sweet, once-prude wife was the one who suggested it.  We talked about it for awhile.  I wasn't thrilled with the idea until one night I walked into the room and there was Penny, wearing a silky sleek light green lingerie and a face that said "Do Me Baby" like the song.  Rose was not messing around. 

That first night I was confused.  How can I fool around with another woman other than my wife; especially with her laying next to me and staring at me.  Weirdarama.  Rose took action first as she wrapped herself around Penny like a Boa Constrictor attacking a mouse.  I stared in awe.  I then went in myself.  The rest is history and should be kept private.  Like I said, shit got real. 

Since that night our lives have been filled with a new sense of life.  We each take turns with Penny or sometimes catch ourselves both lusting for her at the same time.  Our relationship could not be better.  Rose is happy and that's all that matters! 

"oooh Penny is soooo good." and "She just snuggles you perfectly" is just some of the things that my wife says in a good-lord-i-should-have-met-Penny-before-i-met-Danny kinda way. 

Sleeping also couldn't be better.  Sometimes we both fight as to who gets to spoon Penny as she lays in between and caresses us.  Lately, we have been waking up with both of our heads on Penny's body.  Awww.  She's becoming part of the family.  She's becoming a Bart. 

I thought long and hard about this blog but I feel it was only right I came clean.  Hopefully one day Penny can meet Ava but for now we try to keep her hidden.  I am not sure if we are ready for that next step. 

Regardless, I think Penny would love to show the world that she sleeps with the famous author of the Bart Chronicles and his lovely wife. 

Ladies and gentlemen.... i give you the beautiful, smoking hot Penelope:

Penelope aka Snoogle the body pillow

Oh.. I forgot to mention that my wife is 5 months pregnant and Penny helps with her back pains, boob pains, husband pains, etc..

What the hell were you guys thinking..pervs!!!

The truth is Penny has been taking up the entire bed and has interrupted lots of "fun" my wife used to have before she became a part of our lives.  They should just call this thing a mattress replacer as it is GIANT and allows the spouse, aka me, 0 room. However, Rose's back is feeling great and that's all that matters.   I will also come clean and say that I try to steal Penny for my own as Rose wakes up every 45 minutes to go pee throughout the night.   God dam is that bitch Penny cozy as hell!! 

Another girl on the way which means more fun blogs in the near future. 

Please continue to read and share by liking or simply sharing this with your peeps.  ONE


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